CHAPTER 14. TRAFFIC AND VEHICLESCHAPTER 14. TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES\Article 9. Parking of Overweight Vehicles Prohibited

(a)   Public Officer means the designated public officer or a law enforcement officer.

(b)   Overweight vehicles shall be defined as trucks, trailers and other conveyances, whether loaded or unloaded, with a registered gross weight in excess of 26,000 pounds.

(Ord. 1090)

No person, corporation, partnership, association or business shall park or store an overweight vehicle, on any street or alley within the corporate limits of the City of St. John, longer than a four (4) hour period except when parking. longer than four (4) hours is necessary for the prompt and continuous loading or unloading of merchandise; provided, that the overweight vehicle shall be promptly moved upon the completion of the loading or unloading of said merchandise which shall not exceed a period of four (4) hours.

(Ord. 1090)

The Public Officer may prepare and deliver a notice to appear citation to any person, corporation, partnership, association or business in violation of this article. The citation shall contain a notice to appear in court; the name. and address of the person, corporation, partnership, association or business in violation of this article, the offenses or offenses charged, the time··and place when and where the person shall appear in court, the signature of the Public Officer and any other pertinent information. Time specified in the notice to appear shall be the next regularly scheduled court hearing date after the alleged infraction. The place specified in the notice to appear shall be before the Municipal Judge of the city.

For a first or second offense the Public Officer may enter the fine specified in Section 14-904 on the notice to appear. If the Public Officer enters a fine the notice to appear shall provide a place where the person may make a written entry of appearance, waive the right to a trial and plead guilty or no contest.

(Ord. 1090)

Any person, corporation, partnership, association or business convicted of a violation of this article shall be punished as follows:

First conviction: $25 fine plus court costs.

Second conviction within a 1-year period: $100 fine plus court costs.

Third and subsequent convictions within a 1-year period: $250 fine plus court costs.

Additionally, the violator shall be required to reimburse the City for any damage to the street. Damages may be assessed at the cost of repair.

(Ord. 1090)